Tuesday, January 12, 2016

moving on up...

I was in no way a teen mom...but there were moments where i could understand how they felt. I was a single mom by the time i was 25...probably earlier than that. probably on day 2 when X decided that the hospital bed was too uncomfortable and left to take a nap and didn't come back for 8 hours.

I haven't had a lot of time being the parent I always wanted to be...

mainly because i've been working so hard to be the parent my daughter needed me to be.

I'm hoping that those two merge one day...

I'm moving next month.

I'm moving to a small town. Like so small there's no Target (first world problems...I know...)

walking distance from everything really. Less than a mile from school. 3 blocks from work.

I'm hoping that will give me more time to just...live.