Monday, February 3, 2020


it's been an interesting week at i've spent a strange amount of the day taking buzzfeed quizzes. I somehow found my way to

because - i mean obviously i must know this information. Being single and all - it must be because i haven't found my most compatible star sign.

Image result for duh and gif"

It was all going well enough. The usual questions. What would immediately make your life better?

  1. a new job
  2. moving to a new city 
  3. massive wad of wash
  4. a new relationship would help

What are you like in a crisis?
  1. Cool, calm, and collected
  2. Calm only on the outside
  3. panicking, but prepared with a back up plan
  4. Panicking and unable to do anything
2...with a touch of 3, but that's internal

What quality do you wish you had more of?
  1. assertiveness
  2. spontaneity
  3. empathy
  4. generosity
i have way too much 1
i'd say 2. i probably should say 3, but 2

Everything was going as expected - until this question:

Image result for wait what and gif"

those are all of the options?

this honestly is why i'm single. Why would these be the only options. 

Image result for confused and gif"
  1. I stay at home and your work. 
  2. You stay at home and I work
  3. we work, but we also have additional partners

I think i've only ever been approached by one poly guy. Someone i went to high school with who's married but dating...she's also married and dating. 

and i'm in no way interested in jumping into the web of confusion. 

Not that poly is confused...but i know him...and his part time job situation is not incentive enough for me to find my way around the traps and pitfalls of dating more than one person.

that makes me sound mercenary 

but lets me real, if Jeff Bezos was like "hey - you interested in jumping in a poly relationship with me...?"

but at some point i'm going to come back to these millennial problems in relationships. 

Wanting your cake and eating it to. 

I just don't think I could jump into someone else relationship...but i also know i'm not the type of person who could quit her job to focus entirely on my own either. 

unless it was with Jeff Bezos.

In case anyone was wondering:

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