Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I think I'm going to like it here

Get it? Cuz I'm the New Kid on the Block at work

I know I'm friggin hilarious.

So far so good.

The commute leaves a lot to be desired...

and its even crazier because I drop Sunny off at school in the city

and then get in my car and drive to my job on the coast

It's the most surreal experience. Like my day is so bipolar. I leave and the sun is going up and the roads are packed and people hate life and then all of a sudden

Ok maybe not exactly like that. Since that is SanFran I don't work there...I mean come on that's a major city. But the fog and the get the point. Sheesh

Its almost magical. That moment when I leave the city and suddenly enter another world. 

And the firm is another world to. 

I guess that's what you get being in a beach town. 

Everyone is laid back. Even when they're stressed they're laid back.  I honestly don't know what to do about it. I'm so used to running and jumping that I'm forgotten what it's like to walk.

I'm sure I'll figure it out though...

I honestly can't wait. 

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