Wednesday, August 12, 2015

So my job doesn't pay out sick leave... I guess I'm going to be hanging out at home for a couple of days.

I actually do have some work I need to done on my car.  The only problem is that I'm a single woman living on my own. No that sounded really anti feminist...and i didn't mean it like that. I meant that I live on my own so dropping my car off the get work done means I'm literally without a car.

A problem i didn't really think through. Like I know there's uber...but I'm not going to pay the estimated $20 so a 2 mile drive...

today i decided to walk it.

have i mentioned I'm out of shape?

                                                                                                                 ....thus I feel like death...

So the plan for catching up on reading is kind of out of the window because I'm sure if i lay down I'm never getting back up...

Until then I guess I can fill you in on some more aspects of me life?

I got married at 24. Because well I was pregnant and obviously that is the ideal time to make other huge life altering decisions.

so lets see - I can actually define each year with some huge life decision I've made

23 - found out I was pregnant
24 - got married and had a baby,
25 - got legally separated and moved across the country
26 - got my first apartment
27 - started a new job
28 - got divorced and well started this blog...

so I don't really know where to go from here, honestly. I mean tons of other things happened than the list of above but...well I'm tired so expect the reader's digest version of events today...

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