Monday, August 10, 2015

Touché, Rory, Touché

So I've successfully carried on having a blog for almost a week without talking about my kid...

That is actually an accomplishment, because in person she the main thing I talk about.

So lets remedy this:

Sunny is 4 today...A fact I actually forgot until mid last week. Like don't judge me. I know my daughter's birthday, its just that this year we're actually having a birthday party with friends that isn't for another 2 weeks - and since I've been so focused on that it slipped my mind that her actual birthday was like...

why is her birthday party so late? Well because Sunny's best friend's birthday is the same week as hers and they beat me to the date I wanted. oh well.

I don't know if I've really processed that she's going to be 4...

To be completely honest I don't know where the time went.

Pregnancy felt like FOREVER. but these last 4 years have been a blink of the eye.


and kind of

and a lot of

We had a pretty busy weekend- not in the way that it usually is.  We usually have a million different things on the weekends. Ice skating lessons, dance lessons, groceries, errands, etc.

However, this Saturday we spent all of 3 minutes on the ice until Sunny realized she needed to pee...10 minutes too late...and by then. well...

So I just gave up for the day.

I think that's a lot of just seeing how much you can do before you hit the point where you just say - fuck it i give up.

So we just stayed in and eventually went and hung out with family.

She even had a Skye session with her dad...which was a first.

I'm finding that dealing with him is a lot easier now that the divorce is finalized.

                           and there's 3k miles between us

                                                and I have absolutely no expectations for him

maybe maturity comes with age....or a piece of paper that says that he has no rights to me or her...

you choose.

Either way all of these seems rather surreal.

Parenting a 4 year old in an of itself is a huge change.

She's a lot of fun...but I don't know if we're really friends anymore. We're starting to argue a lot these days which is just kind of a crazy concept to me.

I don' thtink I ever felt safe enough to argue with my mother as a child. fear...

I think subconsciously i've always hoped for that kind of Gilmore Girl relationship with her...but at the time i had totally forgotten what that really entailed.

I guess i'm just going to steer into the curve.

and see what the hell happens next...

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