Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I'm trying to figure out how this Blog is going to work. Like blogs seems to come with rules. You shouldn't have too many topics or you'll confuse ppl, you shouldn't give too much information otherwise you'll get stalkers, be provocative, but don't be skanky, entertaining but know you're not a comedian, no one likes a negative nancy, no one's reading daily rants...


                                                                                           .....this should be interesting...

hmmm. So...what to talk about...

I quit my job last week. Don't worry I have another job lined up. I'm gangster, but not that gangster.

I'm a paralegal. So- what that means is...when you see an attorney doing cool lawyer-ly stuff....well I'm the lucky one who's doing all the background work.

Well that just made it seem a whole lot more exciting than it really is. It really feels more like...


But now that I gave my notice...its feels more like:

I became a paralegal because I went to school and majored in History.

Option A - Teacher

The dream was to be a history teacher or if possible college professor. It wasn't until senior year that the professors sat us down and told us that chances of becoming a professor were about as high as winning the lottery and that that teachers actually don't make a lot of money.

So Option B - Lawyer

                                                                                              because seriously how sexy is that? 

So I took a year off to figure out what i wanted to do with my like. And of course I was totally studious and super productive

and applied for law schools and got wait-listed everywhere. 

Onto Option C - Paralegal

I applied to a paralegal certificate program - figuring that at least then I'd know what type of law I wanted to go to school for once I got my life together. So halfway through paralegal studies the supervisor came in to tell us the truth

...seriously why don't they just do this at the get go?...

she told the following story
"i always planned on going to law school after being a paralegal for a few years. but I remember working late one night and walking past an attorneys office. She was in her 30s, pretty, smart, exhausted, single, no kids and all she did was work and stress......and I asked myself...so I want to be her?! So that's why I stayed a paralegal"

so...that's here I am a paralegal...

(ooo...and i got pregnant 
so law school was kind of out of the question. 
But those details will follow...patience...)

For the most part it's...well fun isn't exactly the right word...it's....something that pays the bills. I mean it's challenging and it's new - constantly new. I used to enjoy it...but at the current firm where i work...well i kind of forgot about the good parts because well...well every firm has a Karen

You've just got to find the place you can deal with more than others.

So long story...not so short....I'm starting a new job in 2 weeks. Hopefully with a different group of Karens' and an environment that I'd like to settle into for a while... You know...while i figure this whole life thing out. And hey...if it sucks then I'll just quit and finally go to school to be a teacher...

well...at least that's a thought...

but that's all I can really do...isn't it?

- Ly

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